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YOU Can EASILY Communicate With Animals, ALREADY!!!

maia kincaid

Would you love to discover your natural ability to have two-way conversations with animals? Did you know you can ALREADY EASILY have Two Way Conversations with animals?!

I invite you to join my Animal Communication For Beginners Zoom Class or another one of my classes.

In class, while being guided in actual communication with your animals and class members' animals, you will discover ANIMAL COMMUNICATION IS EASY!!! After the animals showed me I could easily communicate with them nearly thirty years ago I realized I had been communicating with animals all along, I just wasn't aware of how simple and straightforward was to have a direct conversation with an animal until they showed me. You may have the same experience realizing communication is natural, easy and deeply fulfilling. You often know what your animals are saying and what they want because they are communicating with you, and you hear them (whether you realize it or not). In class, you will experience how simple it is to ask them direct questions and listen to their replies. There is no need to wonder about anything when you know you can communicate with animals directly. You can ask them any questions you like and have instant replies! A whole new world of discovery opens up for you! Imagine all the topics you can discuss and all the conversations you can have with animals!

Let me give you an example of the kinds of experiences we have in class. During the Animal Communication For Beginners Zoom Class on August 26th, we spoke with at least ten class members' animals, including a dog who felt uncomfortable riding in a car. The dog told us what made him uncomfortable and the changes his person could make to have him enjoy riding. A few days after the class, she shared that her dog is now riding peacefully and happily in the car since she made the changes he requested. She was delighted with the new experience she was having traveling with her dog and amazed at how all the students, including herself, were able to communicate with him effectively and quickly. In class on September 9th, we talked with 16 class members animals. One of the cats we communicated with, who had recently passed away, said he was very eager to reincarnate. He asked his person to take some specific actions. Today, she wrote that she stayed at her computer after class and followed through with her kitty's requests. She experienced communicating with him directly on her own, and less than an hour after class, that same day, she found herself at the local animal shelter since her kitty told her he was there. She went right over to the kitty, recognized him immediately in his new form, and brought him home. She is ecstatic having her beloved boy back with her and so easily and quickly after talking with him. My passion and mission is to share the secrets to communicating EASILY and EFFECTIVELY with animals.

Join me in my next Zoom Class (Live on Zoom or Use the Class Recordings for Independent Study) this Saturday, October 14th, from 8 - 10 AM Pacific Time or next Friday, October 20, from 3 - 5 PM Pacific Time. Tuition: $35 BEGIN HAVING DIALOGS WITH ANIMALS THIS SATURDAY! Click Here For Upcoming Class Dates No preparation and no previous experience is necessary. It is not required to have any animals living there with you.

In class, you will:

  • Learn it is best just to be yourself when communicating with animals. Self-absorbed activities like quieting the mind, centering, sensing, looking for signs, aligning your chakras, and trying to read the animal's mind (instead of just communicating with them directly) distract and confuse communicators because these practices have nothing to do with communication. Attention to another animal or human-animal takes a back seat when we focus on ourselves.

  • Be guided step by step in communicating with animals

  • Have effective communication with your animals and classmates' animals

  • Communicate with animals who have passed on, if desired

What's included: Attend Live on Zoom, or use the Recordings for Self-Study

  • 2 hour Live Zoom class being lovingly guided by Maia Kincaid

  • Video and Audio recording of class

  • Suggestions as to how to continue developing skills and confidence in communicating with animals



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