| Sep 11, 2015 | Animal Communication in Action!, Today in Class! |
Nature Communication Summit 2015
I had a lovely time mentoring Dr. Lisinka Ulatowska in May of 2015 when she came to Sedona to train with me in Telepathic Nature Communication. Lisinka was an enthusiastic student who inspired me in how she incorporated her learning through taking on my assignments and even through interacting with people of the town and embracing her telepathic communication in every possible way throughout her adventures. Dr. Ulatowska’s passion and work is with the United Nations and her purpose behind her twelve days of Telepathic Nature Communication studies with me were to utilize Telepathic Nature Communication to learn from the Earth and plant and animal species the wisest actions, steps and understandings to have the greatest harmony of all beings of life going forward including of course a vibrant planet we call home! Of course this aligns exactly with my passions as well so Lisinka and I bonded immediately and we passionately explored Telepathic Nature Communication here in Sedona and I guided Lisinka in how to have conversations with Nature to receive guidance from her on fulfilling the actual sustainable development goals.
VIDEO HERE: httphttps://youtu.bhttps://youtu.be/wQpw4oG_Scs
In this video Dr. Lisinka spoke to a group here in Sedona on the formation of the United Nations moving into a new realm today which invites the wisdom of Nature in the organization and fulfillment of our human goals. With Nature’s voice we are inspired about future developments with nations united!
I really enjoyed Dr. Ulatowska’s talk and learned some new things about the purpose in the founding of the United Nations. Lisinka has been involved with UN activities for most of her life. It was wonderful to hear from her that she is particularly inspired by the new goals created by the United Nations and since her training program with me in Sedona she is experiencing new possibilities with the UN which she has not previously seen in all her years being associated.
If you would like to connect with Dr. Lisinka Ulatowska you will find her information here:
Dr Lisinka Ulatowska www.WorldCitizensAction.com www.commonsactionfortheunitednations.org Lisinka.Ulatowska@gmail.com Coordinator Commons Cluster & Commons Actions for the United Nations UN Rep. Association of World Citizens; Institute for Planetary Synthesis All Win Network
Film editing by: Edwin Serrano of Gato Media gatomediaed@yahoo.com 928-274-3643
