Maia Kincaid | Sep 23, 2015 | Animal Communication in Action! |
| Sep 23, 2015 | Animal Communication in Action! |
In May 2015 I met a new student who contacted me to receive my guidance on how to communicate telepathically with Nature. Dr. Lisinka Ulatowska traveled to Sedona, Arizona to receive in person training in having direct 2-way conversations with animals, plants, insects and the Earth. Lisinka’s background had been working with the United Nations for most of her life with the mission to bring about a world in which we live in harmony with Nature and one another as humans. As she began to hear of the possibility to have straightforward dialogs with trees, animals, plants, insects and the Earth itself it made sense to her why not ask Nature herself about the questions we have as humans?
Meanwhile for many years I had been having profound conversations and so wanted to share with my fellow humans what was possible and that the challenges we believe we face can perhaps be solved with greater ease if we simply heed Nature’s wisdom and allow ourselves to receive the love which surrounds us. Lisinka and I hit it off immediately and shared our passion for a world in harmony with Nature.
Telepathic communication is a very experiential activity. There is nothing like giving a little guidance on getting started and some assignments which align directly with ones purpose. So I gave Lisinka the basic communication steps and the assignment to talk with a century plant and then next a wise ancient Juniper tree and then she met a snake. Throughout the days she was here in her internship she was out on the land with me during the day talking with beings of Nature we met and having conversations on her own at night. I remember hearing her delight and excitement as she climbed into the car each morning sharing all she had learned and discovered since we parted the afternoon before. Like most students Lisinka took to the communication with great ease and amazement. It was far simpler than she imagined and her first conversation was profound and fascinating. I guided her in some questions to ask the animals, plants, insects and the Earth which were the questions she was struggling with in having us humans living in harmony with Nature on the planet. She began to experience new ways of looking at the challenges we face as humans and new out of the box solutions. She was radiant with her experience. A whole new world opened for her
and it brought me such joy to experience. That’s one of the reasons I LOVE teaching so much! The other is that the information we receive from Nature can change our experience of life on the planet. The more people who experience their natural ability the more all our lives blossom in a beautiful way. It is actually not the norm to train with me in person as it isn’t at all necessary but it was an absolute delight to work with Lisinka and share our common mission.
One of the highlights of our time together was a visit to Medicine Wheel Lodge where Lisinka met the wolf Kira. Ever since their meeting in May of 2015 Lisinka has carried on with regular conversations with Kira. They have continued to be friends and Kira is a wonderful guide for Lisinka in her communication and her work with the United Nations.
Since our time together we created a class for all those who would love to discover and develop their natural ability to talk with animals, plants, insects and the Earth. Lisinka invited her colleagues in the realm of work with the UN and I my students and clients. You are invited to join us in the inspiring adventures we share in our two way conversations with plants, animals, insects & the Earth. More information: Nature
With my guidance she learned to navigate the communication and receive helpful information from Nature on how we humans may live in harmony with Nature on the planet.
It was a moving experience! I have attached links to two videos we made that week.
Video 1. A brief history of the formation of the UN and possible application of Nature Communication.
Video 2. Dr Ulatowska sharing experience of her training and the two of us sharing back and forth.
In case you would like to know more about Dr Ulatowska’s work here are some web addresses and her titles:
United Nations lobbyist – UN Rep. Association of World Citizens; Institute for Planetary Synthesis, All Win Network
Want to discover and develop your own natural ability to dialog with dogs, trees, animals, plants, insects & the Earth?
