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Animal Communication & Cassie Miracle Horse

maia kincaid

Comments from Dr. Lisinka Ulatowska about Maia Kincaid:

Many indigenous peoples, pastoralists and people who live close to the land depend for their livelihoods and well being to be able to understand the signs Nature is giving. 

There are also many young children who are conscious of their capacity to communicate with Nature from an early age and some remain conscious of this capacity as adults. Many adults communicate with their pets. Princess Irene of the Netherlands wrote a book on communicating with trees. 

Maia Kincaid, PhD, founded the Sedona International School for Animal & Nature Communication. She has focussed on bringing Animal & Nature Communication to the World since 1997. She and her graduates assist individuals in the (re)discovery of their natural ability to communicate directly with animals, plants, trees, sea creatures, fishes, insects and the Earth. This type of communication is useful in enhancing the vitality of plants, warding off unwanted insects and invasive plants and showing the vast unexpected prospects that open up when humans do indeed begin to communicate sensitively with Nature.

As a child Maia, like so many young children, would carry on two-way telepathic conversations with animals, plants and insects. Unlike most, she rediscovered her natural ability in her twenties and has been carrying on numerous telepathic conversations each day ever since. She is now recognized as a pioneer in the field of telepathic animal and Nature communication. Clients around the world have asked her to talk with their animals, and also plants, the soil, insects and the Earth; and have brought her to their countries to give workshops to people with pets. 

Maia Kincaid is convinced that ALL human beings have the natural capacity to communicate telepathically with the life around them. 

This understanding is the principle upon which the Sedona International School for Animal & Nature Communication was founded.


Communications with animals and beings of Nature endow human beings with wisdom and understanding and give a voice to Nature. In her many books, Kincaid gives many examples of how such communications can enable human beings in cooperation with their animal friends to achieve things that to most seem miraculous. Here is just one example where an unusual course of action was taken due to a communication between Cassie the horse and animal communicator Maia Kincaid. 

Cassie had shattered her front leg in 15 pieces, which normally would have resulted in her being immediately put down. A call came in from Dr. Laura Mann asking for Maia Kincaid to talk with her injured mare Cassie. Cassie requested immediate surgery to stabilize the leg and for Laura to have patience in the healing process. The mare promised to cooperate with her treatment and to show Laura miracles. Cassie was the perfect patient. A year later, after having major surgery to put her leg back together Cassie asked Laura  (through Maia's communication) to begin to ride her again. Not wanting to hurt her delicate horse Laura resisted riding Cassie at first but then finally agreed to do as the mare requested. As soon as Laura became accustomed to riding Cassie the horse began to ask to jump some small fences and then once Laura was OK with that Cassie asked to jump a little larger fences. Soon, much to Laura's surprise, Cassie was jumping fences and joyously dazzling onlookers with her grace, athleticism and style just as she had done before she broke her leg. No one could believe she had broken her leg, especially having shattered it in so many pieces. Twelve years later she is still jumping fences and enjoying being in the limelight inspiring people in the miracle of her tremendous heart and spirit and what is possible when you have a simple conversation with an animal to know what they would like and what they believe is possible. 



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