Animal Communication Classes and Training Programs
Discover your natural ability to have 2-way conversations with animals!
Learn from Maia Kincaid a Pioneer in the field of Telepathic Animal Communication & Nature Communication
No prior experience is necessary! Live Zoom Class Sessions Are Accessible From Your Home!

All of my classes are "learn while actually doing" training programs, meaning as a student you are lovingly guided to jump right in and start dialoguing with animals in your first class. In your first conversation, you will be amazed at the profound difference you are able to make for animals. Experiencing their joy and satisfaction in being heard, known, and understood is a beautiful, and deeply touching experience.
Elbi & Maia Kincaid
When I began sharing animal communication in 1997 animals made it clear to me that ALL human beings have the natural ability to have two-way dialogs with animals. Within minutes a student can be shown their natural ability. There is no preparation or special skills required. Quieting the mind, or developing intuition is not at all necessary for communication with animals. The pursuit of a quiet mind and intuition development with the idea it is necessary for telepathic animal communication can cause a lot of confusion and create obstacles in the way of experiencing one's natural ability.

In class, I will lovingly guide you step by step as you develop confidence and effectiveness. I look forward to having you join me as a colleague communicating with animals. Thank you for your love and compassion for animals. Through our communication one day soon ALL animals will have their voice!

Maia Kincaid, how to work with me

Maia Kincaid, about my membership classes
How To Learn With Maia Kincaid
Regular communication is what develops skills confidence and effectiveness.
***No Prior Experience is Necessary To Join Any Of These Classes or Membership Programs***
***Sign Up ANY Time Of The Year***
1. Animal Communication for Beginners Class via Zoom. This is a single-session class. Attend live, or use the recordings for self-study. $35
2. Animal Communication Self-Study Membership Class. This class does not have any live class sessions. Self-study with recordings, and fun exercises. $5/month.
3. How To Communicate With Animals Membership Class. This class includes self-study materials and a 90-minute long live Zoom class session each month. This class meets on one Saturday a month at 10:30 am Pacific time. $34.95/month.
4. Pets Spirituality Animal Communication Membership Class. This class includes self-study materials and three 60-minute live Zoom class sessions a month. This class meets three Fridays a month at 8 am Pacific time. $125/month or $1250 for the year.
5. Animal Communication Mentoring Certification Program includes self-study materials and Six, 90-minute live Zoom class sessions a month. This class also includes optional attendance of all the classes listed above (11 hours of optional additional training sessions a month.) This class meets on Thursdays and Fridays in the morning. The membership is $480/month or $4800 for the year.
6. Nature Communication Mentoring Certification Program includes self-study materials and three, 60-minute live Zoom class sessions a month. The membership is $385/month or $3850 for the year. This class meets three Thursdays a month.
7. Nature Communication for Global Transformation, meets on Zoom once a month on Saturday. Members have access to past recordings. Tuition: free.
Animal Communication Class For Beginners!

Maia Kincaid & Joey
Accessible Worldwide by Zoom
$39 Tuition
A LIVE Online 2 hr class /Or Self Study With Video
A step-by-step method to talk with any animal
Learn to have two-way dialogs with animals
"Hi Maia, It was amazing learning with you.
I would love to have you as my mentor. You made everything so easy." D. S., India

"Maia, you have dispelled my fear that I would be a complete failure at animal communication, believing that other people can do it, but not me. Like you say, it is easy, and we all have the ability to “talk with the animals”. And what a joy that is! This is life-changing for me."- Honour Leigh, Australia
Honour's comment was made after attending a one hour long group teleconference class with Maia Kincaid.
In Maia's classes you will discover you can communicate with animals instantly, anytime, anywhere, under any circumstance.
Animal Communication Membership Classes!
For beginners, Intermediate & advanced students looking for an affordable monthly membership class to develop skills, effectiveness, and confidence while having a delightful learning experience.
Start and stop your program anytime you wish.

How To Communicate With Animals Class!
Self-study using recordings & exercises
One live Zoom class a month. (90 minutes live training, optional attendance)
Certificate For 6 or 12-month Attendance.
Class Time: 10:30 AM - 12 Noon Pacific Time
2025 Class Dates: Jan 25, Feb 22, Mar 22, April 19, May 17, June 21, July 19, Aug 29, Sep 20, Oct 18, Nov 22, Dec 20

Pets Spirituality Animal Communication
$125/Month or $1250/year
Self-study using recordings, & exercises
Three live Zoom classes a month. (3 hours live training, optional attendance)
Certificate For 6 or 12-month attendance
Class Time: 8 AM - 9 AM Pacific Time
2025 Class Dates: Jan 10, 17, 24 Feb 7, 14, 21 Mar 7, 14, 21 April 4, 11, 18 May 2, 9, 16 June 6, 13, 20 July 4, 11, 18 Aug 15, 22, 29 Sept 5, 12, 19 Oct 3, 10, 17 Nov 7, 14, 21 Dec 5, 12, 19

Or $1950/year
Self-study using recordings & exercises.
Three live Zoom Classes a month. (4.5 hours of live training, optional attendance)
Certificate For 6 or 12-month Attendance
Class Time: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Pacific Time
2025 Class Dates: Jan 11, 18, 25 Feb 8, 15, 22 Mar 8, 15, 22 April 5, 12, 19 May 3, 10, 17 June 7, 13, 20 July 5, 12, 19 Aug 15, 22, 29 Sept 6, 13, 20 Oct 4, 11, 18 Nov 8, 15, 22 Dec 6, 13, 20
Maia's Animal Communication Classes & Programs Are Accessible Worldwide Via Zoom!
Maia's Classes Provide Telepathic Animal Communication Education To:
Give animals around the world the gift of being heard, understood, and known
Give students access to their natural ability to have 2-way conversations with animals, & the profound delight of that awareness
Know how to easily and instantly distinguish your voice from the voice of the animal
Develop ease and effortlessness in dialoguing back and forth with any animal in the world, anytime, anywhere
Learn how to share animal communication with people new to it.
All programs listed above are designed by Maia Kincaid, from her 27 years of experience teaching animal communication
The Main Difference In The Programs Featured Above Is the Number of Class Meetings And, Additional Benefits

The Nature Communication Certification Program
Talk with Trees, plants, insects, the Earth, & travel remotely!